Hair and Makeup
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Sweet? Innocent? Natural? Sexy?

Every glamour photoshoot starts with styling your hair and applying makeup. This helps make you feel comfortable and allows me to emphasize the emotions that make you look your sexiest – be it sweet innocence, lust, or mysterious.

Makeup and Hairstyle – Helping You Achieve that Unique Look

GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY by Sean Ryan - www londonglamourphotography com

The Makeup

The right makeup can accentuate and bring out all the things that make you uniquely beautiful, while hiding anything that you don’t want others to see; a more mysterious you. Unfortunately, the art of enhancing one’s beauty is a very hard art to master.

Applying makeup before a photoshoot requires the highest skills and extreme attention to details. Badly prepared make up can very quickly ruin the whole experience, especially if it accentuates and focuses on the wrong thing. That’s why it’s so important to work with people who understand how to merge the two arts – glamour photography and makeup – for the best results.

The Hairstyle

A little change in your hairstyle can make more difference than a complete change in outfit. From soft curls to completely straight hair,
I’ll help you find the perfect style that your confidence will soar and make you look like a star – glamorous, seductive, and sexy. Exactly the way you want to look in the photos.
Keep in mind that if you already have a hairstyle that you’d like to use in the photos (and come with your hair already styled), I might not be able to apply different styles to your hair during the photoshoot itself – for the best results, please let me know upfront.

GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY by Sean Ryan - www londonglamourphotography com

Let’s Create the Sexiest Version of You

The right hairstyle and makeup can make you look and feel exactly the way you want – my job is to immortalize those emotions during a professional glamour photoshoot: