How to become a Playboy magazine star and how to appear on the cover?
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How to become a Playboy magazine star and how to appear on the cover?

GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY by Sean Ryan - www seanryanglamourphotographer co uk COPYRIGHT 2022

How to become a Playboy magazine star and how to appear on the cover?

Probably as a young girl you dreamed of becoming a big star and appearing on the covers of your favorite newspapers. And as an adult and conscious woman, did you think about the cover photo session for Playboy? It is true that the men’s magazine, which is full of female charms, can interest not only men but also women. What to do to get to the top and find yourself on the cover of Playboy? I have prepared some tips for you that can help you achieve your goal.

  1. Take care of your model’s body

The world of modeling is the dream of many young girls. Each of us would like to be the second Kate Moss or Cindy Crawford. Easy to say, harder to do. Of course, this is not so simple. However, there is no point in giving up. It is worth trying!

In addition to a nice face, you need a good dose of self-discipline and perseverance while working on your body. It is accepted that the model should be very tall. On the catwalks, in fact, the ideal height will be 170-180 cm. Much shorter girls will also do well during photo sessions.

Generally, all models should have healthy skin, without birthmarks and scars, thick, well-groomed hair and a symmetrical figure. Watch out for tattoos. They can help, but also harm the career of top models.

  1. Build your own portfolio from the best photo sessions

If you are serious about photomodel work and you are convinced that this is a profession for you, it is worth investing in a professional portfolio. The portfolio usually consists of 6 pictures: 2 face pictures, 2 face and torso pictures and 2 pictures of the whole body.

For a model, it plays the role of a business card and replaces the interview, so it’s important that it is really professional. The choice of photographer plays a particularly important role in this case. Remember that the end result depends to a large extent on him. A good photographer will pull a model out of 100%, capture personality in photos, show off their strengths. High-quality photos taken by a professional photographer are key to starting a career as a photomodel. If you want to create and prepare your model’s portfolio, write to me here.

  1. Observe fashion trends

Remember that the work of a model is not only presenting on the catwalks and in front of the camera lens. The model is also required to be aware of current trends, knowledge of the fashion world and good taste. Read newspapers (like Playboy), watch fashion shows, but above all, be humble and listen carefully to the advice of more experienced people from the fashion industry. You don’t have to always agree with them, but try to draw conclusions.

  1. Modeling career – how to start? Just try!

Once you have a professional portfolio, you can start acting. Turn into your agent and manager for a moment. Send your photos to a modeling agency. Send them to the newspapers where you would like to appear on the cover. Create accounts on model portals. Remember to choose only the best ones and carefully verify the offers received.

Nowadays, it’s also worth creating an Instagram profile by including a link to your portfolio in the description. From now on you are your own personal brand, so make sure you present it on social media. The mentioned Instagram, where you can get the first fans, is where you should start. The development of the IG profile will translate into dynamic model’s career development. When choosing models for the campaign, the agencies are currently paying attention to the number of followers, because the popular candidate provides additional advertising on social media. To be on the cover of a magazine you must be a recognizable person. Maybe it is worth fighting for participation in advertising, being a presenter of renowned events or participation in a reality show?

  1. Strong character: must-have for every model

Photo sessions, especially a photo session for Playboy, involve posing nude. The decision to pose for an act should not be spontaneous. Think about whether you certainly want to appear in such photos and whether you are ready to show your naked body to strangers. We are not only talking about photographs here, but also about possible future viewers.

As you can see, preparing for a naked photo session is not just about preparing your body (although it is very important), you must also prepare your head for the fact that you will stand naked in front of a stranger. Strong character is also important because of the number of bounces. Unfortunately, you will not always be able to realize what you have decided immediately. It’s important not to give up and fight for yours. Prepare well for a nude photo session and act.

  1. Check what the current world of modeling looks like

Nowadays, the fashion world is very different from the foundations on which it was founded. Priorities have changed as well as society’s perception of models. Building your brand through social media, as I mentioned earlier, is very important, as long as you don’t end up doing a reality show from your life. Let’s not hide that the modeling profession should be based on higher aspirations than the daily publication of a selfie on Facebook.

Currently, models are focusing on showing in the media a new purse from a known designer or a selfie from the next event instead of sharing photos from a backstage or photo session for the magazine. If you want to be taken seriously as a modeling icon, remember to treat photo sessions as a profession and take it very seriously. Then you have a chance for specific and profitable cooperation offers from known and respected designers, photographers and magazines.

Modeling career and cover at Playboy – is this something for me?

To enter the world of fashion, photography and covers, first believe in yourself – you should be convinced of your advantages, but also aware of your own flaws. If you accept yourself as you are, you will gain an advantage over the competition. If you want to try, write to me and together we will prepare your professional portfolio of probably the best model in the world, that is you.

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